Why Take The Pledge?

For the Planet - Vkind

For The Planet

Fact: Scientific consensus shows that animal agriculture is responsible for at least 16.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and causes significant environmental degradation, from loss of biodiversity to deforestation and habitat destruction.


For The People

Fact: Approximately 70% of all medical antibiotics in the United States are sold for use in animals.


Disease spreads quickly in poorly ventilated, overcrowded indoor spaces where tens of thousands of genetically similar animals are kept in close confinement. Three out of every four emerging infectious diseases in humans originate in animals. 


The majority of diseases that have caused epidemics or pandemics in recent years are zoonotic, meaning they’re capable of spreading pathogens from animals to humans. Known zoonotic diseases include: AIDS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, SARS, MERS, Ebola, Zika, and COVID-19. 

For The Animals

Fact: Worldwide, over 70 billion land animals are raised and slaughtered for food each year, usually under inhumane conditions.


Chickens used for egg production spend their lives in cages the size of an iPad. 50 million male chicks are culled annually in the egg industry by throwing them into a macerator to be ground up alive. 


Dairy cows are killed after 3 lactation cycles and beef cows have an average lifespan of 20 years, yet are slaughtered at only 6 months after being unnaturally fattened up. 


These facts are mere glimpses of the standard industry practices inflicted on billions of defenseless animals annually.  

Change Is Inevitable. Make It Good. 

At Vkind, we know that the more accessible plant-based products become, the more approachable the lifestyle becomes. The more approachable the lifestyle becomes, the faster we tackle the world’s most perplexing crises––from climate change and environmental contamination to pandemics and disease. 


With the escalating climate crisis humanity is facing, we need to make drastic changes to business-as-usual, and fast

We have a chance to actively address the problem in order to mitigate further damage by listening to the available science telling us what we’re doing wrong and how to fix it. 


If “money makes the world go around” it makes sense to have the flow of currency circulate in a way that honors the principles of environmental stewardship, animal welfare, and healthy living. We have the technology and innovative spirit to pull it off, if we work together.


Enter: The VegEconomy

The VegEconomy® is a network of plant-based businesses and professionals co-creating an ecosystem of commerce with consumers that leaves animals out of the supply chain. 


You can help us grow the VegEconomy, join the movement, and align with ethically-driven products and services by taking the VegEconomy Pledge.

The VegEconomy Pledge

  • I pledge to help grow the VegEconomy by purchasing plant-based and sustainable food, fashion, health, beauty, and home products from ethically-driven companies whenever possible. 


  • I pledge to use my purchasing power to vote for a world free of animal exploitation, environmental harm, and sustainable options by supporting VegEconomy businesses and professionals.


  • I pledge to encourage members of my community to also commit to the tenets of ethically-aligned consumerism by taking the VegEconomy Pledge.


  • I pledge to work with other VegEconomy businesses helping to ignite a new era of compassionate capitalism that rewards animal-free enterprises valuing compassion and sustainability. 


  • I pledge to start redirecting my current spending from businesses that are not in alignment with the VegEconomy principles of compassion and sustainability to businesses that are. 

Sign Below to take the vegeconomy pledge!

Take The Vegeconomy Pledge

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